A convenient way to register and pay for events online

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Step 1

Choose the event you want to attend.

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Step 2

Fill out details for all attendees in your group in one registration.

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Step 3

Choose optional sessions and answer event-specific questions.

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Step 4

Pay for the event by credit card or cheque.

Flexible. Customizable. Reportable.

Set Up Unlimited Events

Create events with custom date and pricing options. Sessions further define what attendees can sign up for during the event.

Simplify Pricing and Payments

Accept and track payments by cheque and credit card. Special early bird pricing and discount codes give you marketing flexibility.

Integrate with Your Sunergo Website

Have a Sunergo website? The registration form is integrated to maintain a consistent experience for attendees.

Add a Capacity Limit

Choose an attendance limit to avoid exceeding venue capacity.

Ask Custom Questions

Ask attendees event-specific questions to help plan your event.

Report on Your Events

Generate event registration reports for insight into who is coming.

Here are other features you might be interested in.


Create a space for your congregation to gather digitally with our framework websites. Keep your congregation updated with blogs, podcasts and more.

More about Websites


Plan big and small events without conflict between ministries. Keep a bird’s eye view of the church schedule in mind when creating new events. Inform people of upcoming activities.

More about Calendar

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